Renaissance Spotlight:

Why Trust Zero Trust?

Never Trust, Always Verify

What is Zero Trust?


The Zero Trust Network model was created in 2010 by John Kindervag, principal analyst at Forrester Research. Now, ten years later, CIOs, CISOs and other corporate executives are increasingly implementing Zero Trust as the technologies that support it move into the mainstream.

The pressure to protect enterprise systems and data is growing as attacks become more sophisticated. Zero Trust is a security concept centered on the belief that organizations should never automatically trust anything inside or outside its perimeters and instead verify everything trying to connect to its systems before granting access.

The National Security Agency: Embracing a Zero Trust Security Model, provides recommendations for implementing a Zero Trust strategy.

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Zero Trust World: This is the Way


By now, many companies have accepted that working from home and remote working are likely to become the new ‘normal’. But that doesn’t necessarily mean their network and systems are up to the task. Read the full article here.

working from home

Your data centre is an attractive target for hackers because typically it houses your organization’s most sensitive data. This article covers the expanding list of attack vectors and areas of exploitation as your digital footprint increases.

data centre security

Key pillars in a zero trust strategy and implementation are user identity and access control for all connections, irrespective of origin. In zero-trust you never assume a connection is secure based on its source. Read more.

Man working from home

Podcasts and Videos

Zero Trust, a model that involves assuming every entity attempting to connect to your environment is a potential threat actor, instrumenting granular access control, application-level micro-segmentation, and a least privileged access model. Sounds complicated - where do you start, how do you begin adopting these principles, and what are the options?

What lessons can Operational Technology share with Information Technology in securely deploying IoT? Chris Blask draws from his 25+ years of experience in manufacturing, combines that with his security expertise, and makes some interesting recommendations about how to securely deploy IoT.


In this episode, Ashwin Pal, Director of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific for Unisys, examines the steps that need to be taken to secure Operational Technology environments.

Operational Technology Security

Kemp’s zero trust architecture provides unique value by native, application-centric proxy capabilities. In this 5-in-5 video, we will discuss what Zero Trust is and why it's important for organizations.

About Renaissance

Renaissance Ireland

We work with our partners to deliver solutions and services to make your clients and customers IT environments more secure and compliant and future proof these solutions by tailoring these to suit their needs and requirements. Renaissance and our suite of security vendors and partners are ideally placed to work with  industrial organisations to help analyse current security systems, design a way to improve them, and deliver the improvements over time. Starting with the most critical systems and vulnerabilities. Learn more.


Speak to Renaissance about

Zero Trust

Renaissance Contingency Services Ltd 
Unit 8, Leopardstown Business Centre, Ballyogan Road, Dublin 18, Ireland Eircode D18wd62
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